Hey Scratch Geeks,
Scratch Combos are what give people their signature style and flow. Stringing along multiple scratches can sometimes be difficult and we as turntablists often get into a rut, doing the same scratch combos over and over which makes our freestyles sound monotonous. It is for this reason we wanted to bring to you guys new combos to think about. Of course many of these combos are not easy and you must be very fluent in the individual scratches before advancing into combos. It is for this reason that we recommend learning all the scratches in our previous tutorials if you’re having trouble with some of these combos.
With that being said I hope some of these inspire you to create your own combos. Happy learning and happy scratching!

Advanced Chirp Flare Combos:
Adding these types of chirp combos into your arsenal gives variation and a clean sound to your flow and they’re pretty easy to transition between once you get them down. This was will your cuts a signature crisp sound when done at higher speeds, double time and triple time.
Chirp-2 OG Flare Combos
This scratch is fairly easy to grasp when you know the individual scratches well. However, it sounds very complex and crisp in the flow, especially once you can double time and triple time this scratch. Again, remember you can always go back to previous tutorials in the blog if you cannot do a chirp or OG flare.
2-1-2 Combo (Chirps, OG Flares)
In this next video YoshiTTR breakdowns a 2-1-2 combo which uses chirp scratches, OG (original) flares and Reverse OG flares and then breaks it down with using wave tears to accent the scratch. These are the type of advanced scratches we hope can really elevate your scratch game and help to come up with new combos:
Chirp-Crescent Flare Combos
YoshiTTR also breaks down a chirp flare and chirp crescent combo here:
If you want to get really advanced and nerdy with combos. DJ chilean has a take on the last couple tutorials and some theory on stringing combos. Here he breaks down two chirp-OG flares into a Chirp-Crescent Flare combo with standard scratch notation at the bottom of the screen.
Scratch Combos in the Flow
Here Dopez breaks down how to incorporate similarly advanced combos into the flow using chirp flares, chirp tears, different takes on boomerang scratches:
Hand Control Combos (Tears, Whips and Waves)
Many of our favorite turntablists would agree that proper record control is what brings out style and variations into scratch combos. These next combos display this and show how good record control and accentuation using tears can make even the most basic combos sound advanced.
Montreal based turntablist/producer and current 2018 IDA Canada Scratch Champion Jon Rist provided us with an exclusive combo for our Scratch Geek Youtube Channel and Scratch Geek IGTV as part of our next series. But we can give a sneak preview of this here as it incorporates whip tears. It is a essentially a forward drag and two whip tears backwards. The record hand is doing an og flare motion. It is open on the forward drag and the whips/waves are getting fadered.
Dopez's Super Secret Scratch Tutorial (Whip Scratch Combos):
We again are featuring Dopez here who shows us how to incorporate Whip tears with clicks over them in his Super Secret Scratch Tutorial. You can find him cutting it up on instagram as well at @dopez1200 and hes given us the cosign to link these awesome tutorials he provides.
Again here you can see how advanced record control techniques can really transform any combo.
Three Click-Tear Scratch Combo
Here TTM Academy breaks down a 3-click Tear combo; of course this can also be down with a 2 click and tear combo and can be done at different speeds, but the overall principle is great to get down and can translate into many different combos:
Scratch Combos Using Two-Click Motions
Two Click-OG Flare Combo by ScratchRecipe:
Boomerang Tazer Scratch Combo By FedoBeatz:
Intermediate Scratch Combos
If some of these are too advanced Emma Short-E breaks down a few scratch combos for DJcity using more basic scratches. This doesn’t use incredibly advanced techniques but shows you the power of combining scratches. This uses the forward scratch, slices and transforms.
Though they’ve discontinued this series, DJcity used to do a new combo every month for two years and those can be seen here in this playlist here and use more beginner to intermediate scratches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7cjJlvob3M&index=25&list=PL_Xo_P4FL2K40qSGPMfpB9_6VjpvO2AxT&t=0s
Future Scratch Combo Posts:
As we continue with this series we will dive into the favorite combos of our favorite turntablists and also provide exclusive tutorials explaining these combos.
We will also continue to link more Advanced Scratch Combos as we find ones that are challenging and inspiring.
Hope you guys enjoyed the combos above, and good luck learning them!